First of all, I have to express my admiration towards Zelda Perkins for being so brave. I really admire her for establishing a new career as an advocate for banning the NDAs that are really harming the small people yet keeping the powerful misconductors in power.  My story does not include sexual misconduct. However, NDA in my case was used to cover bullying in my workplace.

I am working in ICT industry as a Test Manager. I was working on ERP project and targeted by a colleague. He tried to push me work that did not belong to me and I tried to set boundaries. Eventually our relations got so bad that he swore at me in a teams meeting. I reported his conduct to my superior. Instead of taking my side and solving the issue which the employer is supposed to do by the Finnish law, I found myself very alone in the situation. My version of the events was not believed. Instead, I was guided to use the mental services of the company's health care. Only after I had attended those, I would be able to "clear my name". I was also suggested a lower salary, being suggested that I was too sensitive etc. Basically, they used all possible methods so that I would resign myself.

Eventually I was approached with a possibility to sign an NDA. I was so shaken that I took the offer almost immediately. I was told by my superior that the offer is not available for long. I asked how long and she said that I have to decide in one week what to do. I saw no future in the company. I was paid a small lump sum for being quiet. I can't speak evil about the company publicly nor privately. Can't speak about the amount that I received in NDA. The ICT director and my immediate supervisor were very cold before I had agreed to sign. As soon as I agreed, the tone changed and they were friendly and nice again.

I consider myself lucky one compared to many others: ICT industry - there are plenty of workplaces that I can choose from, so signing the NDA was not a problem in a sense that I knew that I would be able to land to a next position. However, what is very hard about it, is the inability to speak when clearly I was wrongly treated. I think the perpetrators should be held accountable. The amount that I received is far too little for purchasing silence. We in the western societies hold high our values where expressing one's opinion is considered one of the highest. The culture of NDAs is seriously diminishing this right.


