I signed my NDA in complete distress after 12 months of bullying from the head of the team – a woman who didn’t want me but couldn’t stop it as it was the outcome of a merger between two separate organisations. In the 18 months prior to the merger I had no idea something negative would come of it but when I look back it had started from my first day.

I felt it but didn’t tell anyone. She would undermine me, not give me work, not include me, the usual things. I came close to a breakdown. I told a colleague who I had known in the previous organisation who kept telling me to leave but I couldn’t.

The head of the team hired someone new to get rid of me. He was obnoxious to me. I challenged it through HR but I was treated with such disdain for no reason.

It came to a head when she brought her child into the office. For some reason I completely crumpled and could barely walk as I tried to get up and walk past them. I have never felt that way before. A couple of days later I was asked to attend a meeting with my new manager and HR . My manager read out 25 charges… it was just utter nonsense. But I had booked annual leave immediately after the meeting so had time to think about what to do. I returned asking for an NDA. HR said yes and the conversation lasted 20 seconds.

It makes me so angry and unhappy because like a lot of the people I worked with but had to leave without telling anyone. I was put on out of office duties for a month and then everyone was told I had left. There was little negotiation. I felt like I had no power as they were trying to force a warning or some other disciplinary action on me.

At that moment I felt relief but I then didn’t work for a year as I had depression. The Head of team has since been promoted twice. That was 10 years ago and I haven’t been able to tell anyone.

Would I have done it differently? Not sure. I should have left for my mental health. I got £18K .

Someone that worked there is in my (recreational) club and it is a matter of time before we bump into each other and have a conversation. But can I tell her?

The silencing of people is just wrong.


