Story 103

I’ve worked in the oil and gas industry for more than 20 years but for the past four years, I have been recovering from exacerbated symptoms of PTSD and triggered psychosis as a direct result of corruption and unethical conduct including medical malpractice.

I am a person who stands up for human rights and I believe the unethical conduct happening inside the industry has already cost innocent people their lives because it nearly cost me mine.

I have the full support of my medical team to corroborate the allegations I’m making against the company’s management.  They have been with me from the beginning and are credible witnesses to the abuse.

I have documented evidence that senior managers are falsifying medical records of disabled employees to facilitate illegal and unethical terminations. One of the doctors involved in this coordinated medical malpractice works for an ethics research board (of all places).

I was so severely traumatized during my termination meeting that I didn’t possess the ability to speak or open my eyes while they were painfully triggering me over and over again. Pretending a person with PTSD isn’t suffering from a real illness is the cruelest most painful thing you can do to another human being and these managers - who I do not know personally - did it to me with smiles on their faces. I heard a saying once that real evil will always greet you with a smile and a handshake. Well, that day I got to see what real evil looks like and I have never been more terrified in my life than I was in that moment. Powerful positions attract pathological personalities and I believe the employer’s management is infested with them.  

I also have evidence that the federally-directed provincial Human Rights Commission has been covering up this unethical conduct by forcing victims of employer abuse into non-disclosure agreements and dismissing the cases of those who do not comply. In fact, according to the Commission, it is completely legal and acceptable for the company to target a 20 year industry employee who was unexpectedly diagnosed with severe PTSD after witnessing a traumatic event, falsify his medical records to say he wasn't suffering from PTSD, gaslight him into a complete mental breakdown before terminating him without a severance for exhibiting unconscious symptoms of my PTSD, then 3 years later offer him a settlement equal to his illegally withheld severance but only if he signs a non disclosure agreement.

Since I refused to sign and allow them to do this to someone else, the Commission dismissed my case as being ‘without merit’ despite having documented evidence to the contrary. Does that sound like an ethically responsible government institution set up to protect human rights? Or have these powerful positions been set up to protect corporate interests at the expense of human rights, and human lives? Having just lived through this, I’d say smart money is on the latter!

Law enforcement refuses to get involved claiming this case to be a civil workplace dispute. Even though this unethical conduct is putting innocent lives at risk, it is not subject to a criminal investigation. It does explain how the company has been able to get away with this for so long because when you have a human rights commission refusing to help victims of corporate gas-lighting and law enforcement looking the other way, it provides unethical companies a licence to discriminate, with impunity!

I am not ashamed of being diagnosed with PTSD or for my emotionally unstable and erratic behaviour a few years ago at the height of my psychosis, mostly because I don’t remember much of it, but I am thoroughly ashamed of anyone who would take advantage of a person in that state of mind for their own personal or professional gain.

If you are someone who judges people on their appearance, actions, or emotional state and you consider yourself to be a good person, at least take the time to base it on the quality of their character and not symptoms of a mental illness for which they have no conscious control. PTSD is not a choice nor is it proportional to intelligence or the symptoms part of someone’s personality. It is a serious and painful medical condition that's not being taken seriously by the people who are supposed to be taking it seriously.

I wasn’t expected to survive let alone recover to be well enough to talk about what really happened to me. That means I now have a moral responsibility to tell my story publicly even if it comes at great personal risk.

I will continue to speak publicly until I get the attention of an ethically responsible investigative journalist, if such a person exists anymore, or social media influencer, willing and able to write about my PTSD recovery story, and help expose government-sponsored corporate gas-lighting in Canada. I also hope this video will inspire the other trauma victims to come forward, and for them to know they are not alone.

The company that terminated me is dangerously corrupt.  Their collective unethical conduct caused me so much pain it forced me into a suicide attempt and destroyed my entire life these past 4 years. Please help me get this story out and stop them from doing this to anyone else!

I am a trauma survivor, and my silence is not for sale!  


Story 104


Story 102