I had spoken up in my workplace about sexual assault and harassment. I disclosed my personal experiences involving the same workplace and was guided to report to police. This entire experience triggered my PTSD and I asked for a lightened schedule. I was passed to HR and explained that I cannot lose my job but I needed time and support while dealing with all of this.

I was handed an NDA and termination papers the day after my GM confirmed I would not be fired. I was given one week to sign.

I had a full on mental breakdown and was admitted to emergency with suicidal ideation. From this day I have lived paycheque to paycheque barely able to make ends meet. I have never been able to re enter that same industry which has limited me financially. I have never been able to find adequate support and have struggled with my mental health on a regular basis.

I regret signing the NDA but I had no financial support and minimal savings at the time, which my GM and HR team were well aware of. I had also disclosed my mental health status and diagnosis of PTSD. I would have lost my housing and ability to pay bills within a few weeks and was being fired without notice. I felt trapped and would characterize my signing as under duress.


