I signed an NDA after reporting harassment and violence in my workplace. I did not have representation as I was simply requiring that the behavior be addressed through the employer's policy. I was not informed of potential harm to myself by agreeing to the terms. The consequences were severe as I wrongly believed that I could not seek counselling or emotional support for what I had experienced. I took a demotion so that I could file the complaint from another department where I would not be threatened by the harassment. After the investigation was complete, I read the accounts of the other victims. There were no consequences to the perpetrator. I was not returned to a position at my previous classification. I did not share the circumstances with my family and have lived for many years in a very isolated way, forever concerned that the trauma will come out in conversation. I now have PTSD. I often feel lonely with the secret, and angry that I was not properly informed. I also frequently become fearful in my current workplace, afraid of the consequences if I speak up. This is my story to tell. not their secret to keep. NDAs are hazardous to the psychological well being of employees. They have to stop being used to silence victims of abuse in the workplace. I won't be locked in a room or threatened any more. 


Story 102
